For Jack - for teaching me so much


 I cannot believe you are turning 7 on saturday. 7 years ago you entered this world and filled my heart with so much love. I was obsessed with you the minute I saw you. I could not believe we had a boy! we were convinced you were going to be another girl. Your favourite way to go to sleep was to snuggle into my shoulder and you would settle there for hours. You were a mommas boy from the get go and I loved it. Knowing you were my last baby I spoiled you rotten!. I cuddled you to bits and as for your sisters my goodness just call them your other mothers. They adored you. Ava took on a mother role like I have never seen.

 She fed you, changed you the lot! Still to this day she will do anything for you. She is your number one protector and cheerleader. I am writing this letter to you so that one day you will read back over it and see how loved you were, how treasured you were and how far  you have come.

Autism is our normal. You or your sisters know no different. we know no different. Yet it has its daily battles that no one sees and with that comes major heartache at times, sadness, meltdowns and everything in between. We always manage to come out the other side learning something new along the way. You and Mia have taught us all those new skills. You have taught me so much in 7 years. As much as I am meant to be your teacher and guide through life you and your  sisters have taught me mostly all I know. You have shown so much courage and strength on a daily basis.

When you started in the Autism Unit Preschool you needed so much early intervention. There you got so much help from the teacher  to the SNA and the occupational therapist. I turned our house into sensory area with pictures everywhere with words on them so you would speak clearly and learn what things were, I looked back on all I had done with Mia and tried to remember all we had done. I did course after course trying to get as much info as I could to help you all.

You progresssed so well into the Unit you moved on to Mainstream school. This has been a huge struggle but we have put the work in. Your not a huge fan of school. You like to ring home 'sick' quite a bit. Me and you both know your not sick.  You just find school very overwhelming and your anxiety goes through the roof. you need class breaks and extra help. You have a great teacher this year who helps as much as she can but no sna. You know you have Autism. We never kept it a secret. Why would we? You need to know why you feel the way you do sometimes and how you see the  world. You need to be you. Simple.

You have like to keep your group small. 2 at a time.You constantly talk about roblox to them and are a genius  at your tablet!  You are not a fan of crowds or loud noise! You are obsessed with pasta and cheese. Winnie goes everywhere with you from the moment you were born. You still dont sleep through the night when its a full moon or just when your anxious. I look 45 not 33 thanks for that! lol.

I adore your world. I adore your explanations of things. I love how literal you are. I love how serious you are about things. I love our costa dates, our walks with the dogs, when you decide you want to ask random questions about the earth, all of it.  After 7 years you are starting to give hugs. My god you give the best hugs. they are the kind of hugs that fill your heart with love and make your day so much better. Your hugs make everything right again. You like to stay in  your own world a lot but you are coming out of your shell so much Jack. You have the kindest soul. You adore animals and are so good  to your dog Lola.

You say your gonna live with me forever . The irish mammy in me never wants to let you go and I will probably stalk you when you get married! joke! I hope and pray that you live a happy independent life. My only wish for you. I have woke up everyday the last 7 years and the only thing I have ever said to myself was  to do my best for you and  the girls. I hope I have done that. You are all my life. I wish I could freeze time and keep you all little forever.



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