Autism through their eyes

Since it is offically Autism Awareness Week I decided to do things a bit different this week.  I actually asked Mia to write her thoughts on autism as I feel no one knows it better than her.  She asked me to put together some questions and she would answer them. Mia is 14 this year and I've always wanted to know her thoughts on how she sees things. I also asked Ava would she give her views on it as a sibling her opinions are so important. She has helped me so much over the years  with Mia and Jack. Autism is her normal to grow up with she knows no different but I was interested to hear her  views on how she sees things.

What does having Aspergers mean to you Mia?
'To me it mainly means having a lot of different feelings. '

Do you feel your different to other kids your age?
'Yes, very I have always felt different'

Whats a really good thing about having Aspergers?
'Its cool to have lots of different feelings'

Do you feel like you get good support?
'I do from my family and friends but I feel like a lot of people don't understand Aspergers at all.'

Whats the hard parts?
Getting upset, worried and anxious a lot. Just having Aspergers sometimes I feel anxious every single day'

What would you like people to understand more about Aspergers since its Autism Awareness Week?
'My feelings and my thoughts, Just to take time with us really. Understand us'

Do you want to add anything?
' I really like donuts'

Thanks Mia :)

AVA (age 10) 

What does Autism mean to you?

'I feel like people that have autism are the same people as we are but they sometime worry a lot more and get upset a lot more easily but then we all get like that don't we?  '

What would you like people to learn about Mia and Jacks Autism?
' I would like people to know that they get affected quite easily by things and to have patience with them and that they are the same as everyone else because to me they are just normal. '

How do you help Mia and Jack do you think? 
I would help them by playing their favourite game on their ipads, or we all watch a movie together  and Jack lets me give him a hug when he is sad sometimes. 

Thanks Ava :)

What does autism mean to you? 
Autism to me is my house where I live. It is my normal and my childrens normal. I don't no anything else. Autism is my world and I have learned to build my family around it.

What would you like people to learn about Autism? 
I would like people to educate themselves about the condition but the key with autism is ACCEPTANCE  without it nothing can move forward. Not your childs development, education, family relationships nothing. If you do not accept your child for who they are you will never see their potential. I would like people to realise how difficult Autism is to live with but also to see how wonderful these children are. They will teach you the true meaning of life  and rule out all the non important things.   



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