let the battle commence!
so finally sat down this morning and sent off my email to the hse about getting home suppport for Mia and us. had written complaints before but had taken a break the last few weeks but since the blog seems to have taken off i decided id get back to it! After five years of being passed from person to person ive finally had enough its so unfair for Mia and all the other children to be left waiting years for intervention and their families positive start to the day! Have decided each day i will write one positive among the negatives we have had to face recently. Today's positive is that Mia went to school happy, and has decided that her take on 'holy god' must be heard by the priest! she has decided holy god is a 'she' not a 'he' as how would he have been able to give birth to all the people in the world its not possible. she decided to tell me this on the school run this morning all serious reading my dads bible that was given to me when he died. she had ro...